The Economist анонсирует украинские выборы

Есть такая рубрика в популярных изданиях: Грядущая неделя. Вот выдержки анонса следующей недели от The Economist.

UKRAINIANS go to the polls on Sunday January 17th for the first round of a presidential election that is almost certain to see the departure of the incumbent, Viktor Yushchenko, who swept to power in the “orange revolution” in 2004-05. None of the 18 candidates is expected to win the first round outright so a second round is likely between Yulia Tymoshenko, the prime minister and former orange ally of Mr Yushchenko, and Viktor Yanukovich, a former prime minister who was the loser last time. Both Ms Tymoshenko and Mr Yanukovich are promising reforms to deal with corruption and economic woes but Ukraine’s voters will be sceptical that either is capable of disinterestedly amending a constitution that makes decisions in Ukraine so hard to reach.
The week ahead

Похоже, что спустя пять лет даже до зарубежных журналистов стало что-то доходить.

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